5 tips and Precautions for Concreting in Cold Weather
The weather is one of the main concerns of concrete contractors. Indeed, this has a significant impact on the organization of external sites, thus forcing them to anticipate and adapt. We are aware that the physical and mechanical properties of concrete can be greatly altered by extreme climatic conditions during construction. As winter approaches, it's time to remind everyone of the few precautions and good preventive practices that allow you to continue building with complete peace of mind when the rigors of the cold strike. The consequences of the cold on the concrete: beware danger! Concreting in cold weather, when the temperature drops below 5°C, becomes more complex. The cold penalizes the productivity of the site and slows down or even prevents the hydration reactions of the cement, thus the hardening time of the concrete is longer. At a temperature below 0°C, the mixing water present in the fresh concrete freezes. This phenomenon generates the dilation of the wa...